August 19, 2010

A fun day with Timmy

On Wednesday Sierra and I (Caitlin Hatch) got to spend a great day with Timmy.  We like to bring board games and Sierra and Timmy play them together.  First we played Connect 4, I place the game piece close to Timmy's hand and he closes his fingers, holding it and then he lets go when the piece is in the right place. He wasn't as into this game as he has been in the past so we went on to playing Monopoly Jr. During this game Timmy is able to hold the dice when I place them in his hand and then he rolls when he is ready. I move his player and ask him what move he wants to make by using the "yes" and "no" cards so he can answer my questions. I also read  "The Monster at the End of this Book" to Sierra because Dawn has said that Timmy loved that book when he was little. When reading this book Sierra turns the pages and laughs historically each time, during witch Timmy was laughing at her the whole time.  Although all this was fun, the best part of the day was when I was talking to Timmy and he was answering with the cards. I asked him if he can tell that he is getting stronger and better and her responded by looking at the yes card. Then I asked him if he believed he would get better and be himself one day and again his response was yes. I told him that he was right and he would be all the way better one day.  Another amazing moment of the day was when I held Timmy's hand in mine and asked him to squeeze my hand and so he squeezed. Then I told him that he could tell people that he loved them by squeezing their hands two times and I squeezed his hand two times and said, "I love you". To this, he responded by squeezing my hand two times and giving me a huge smile. Timmy is getting stronger all the time and days like this are to show for it.

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